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  • Writer's pictureDr. Byron Davis

3 Things I Did to Lose 20 Pounds in 45 Days | No Strict Diet | No Exercise | No Supplements

Tape Measure & Apples
A great fasting regimen with a healthy diet leads to a decreased waist line.

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As someone who loves eating, it has always been difficult for me to eat things that were healthy but didn’t appeal to me. I was the type of person who had the “if I die, I die” mentality and I can guarantee there are several of you reading this who would absolutely sacrifice their life to eat good food and be happy.

However, the older we get the less self-centered we become and the more we value things that are important to us, like our children.  With each passing day, we value our time just a little bit more.  As a result, we are willing to do what is necessary to spend as much time as we can with them before we depart this world.

That is exactly what I did in 2023 when I lost 20 pounds in 45 days without strict dieting, exercise, or taking supplements. At the time I was a law enforcement officer therefore most of my time was spent driving a vehicle.  I was a sheriff’s deputy, so I had several square miles that I was responsible for, and we had close to 400,000 residents.

As a result, it was not uncommon for me to spend my time jumping from one call to the next and some of those calls were 30 to 45 minutes apart.  Needless to say, I didn’t have much time to exercise while at work and when I got home, I just wanted to sleep.  By the time I woke up, it was time to get ready and head back into work.

On my days off, after dealing with some of the things I did, I just wanted to relax and spend time with those I cared about.  So, I had to find a plan that allowed me to lose weight without exercising, taking supplements, or being so hungry all the time.  Below are the three things I did to lose 20 pounds in 45 days.



Well, it isn’t necessarily cheating but what I did was utilize the time I slept to my advantage and implemented an intermittent fasting regimen.  I give you a free ultra-successful 4-week plan in my ebook “Weight Loss Wars: Battling Industry Tactics for Genuine Wellness”.  You can get a free copy by subscribing to my newsletter “Slim Science in 30 Seconds.”

I had to be at work by 8 p.m. so I would eat as soon as we finished our roll call and the call volume settled down a bit.  This was usually around 10 p.m. or so.  After I ate, I would drink water for the remainder of the night to keep my stomach full.  This allowed me to suppress any hunger that may have come on later in the night.

Because I worked midnights, it was easy for me to go straight to sleep when I got home, which was usually around 6:30 a.m. in the morning.  By the time I got out of my uniform and into the bed, it was safe to say I was asleep by 7 a.m.


Now, by the time I got in bed it had already been 9 hours since I had eaten, which is easily accomplishable for most people.  By going to sleep, obviously you aren’t going to feel hunger.  I would sleep until about 3 p.m. in the afternoon and then I would wake up and browse social media or catch up on the news.

By the time I got out of bed by about 4 p.m., I had already fasted for 18 hours, which is more than enough time for your body to begin burning fat.  To break my fast, I would drink a smoothie, then jump in the shower and begin preparing for another night on the beat.  That would hold me over until I got to work and then I would just repeat the process.


When I did eat, I tried to eat healthy food, but I didn’t deprive myself.  It wasn’t uncommon for me to grab a burger and some fries or a few slices of pizza coupled with some Little Debbie cakes.  I would stuff what I could into my mouth within an hour and then I would begin the fast again.  It worked well for me, and I wasn’t very active at all.




Most of us can agree that it is not uncommon for us to eat out of boredom or routine, even if we aren’t really hungry.  This is much of the problem throughout society and the reason why 68% of the United States of America is considered overweight.

We’ve been led to believe by the corrupt healthcare industry that three square meals per day is necessary, and that just isn’t true.  It wasn’t uncommon for our ancestors to consistently go a day or two without food less than 100 years ago.

Nonetheless, I was able to suppress my hunger by drinking water and keeping my stomach full.  Sometimes I would use sugar free flavor, which worked well for me, but some people would argue that your body will respond the same way as it would if it were actual sugar.

I never had that issue, but everyone is different.  After a couple days of fasting, any hunger I did feel in the beginning pretty much subsided.




Maintaining discipline throughout my intermittent fasting journey was the key to achieving my weight loss goals. This was the hardest thing for me to do and it is likely the same for you. To help with that, I slept and remained busy as much as possible to keep me from getting bored and wanting to eat.

Embracing a structured eating window required a steadfast commitment to resisting temptations outside of those designated hours. I established a consistent schedule, aligning my fasting periods with my daily routine to seamlessly integrate this approach into my lifestyle.

Building mental resilience played a crucial role as I encountered moments of hunger or cravings. Staying hydrated and focusing on nutrient-dense foods during my eating window helped sustain energy levels and mitigate any feelings of deprivation.

Additionally, I set realistic and achievable milestones, celebrating small victories along the way, which further fueled my determination. Through unwavering discipline, I not only adhered to the principles of intermittent fasting but also witnessed significant and sustainable weight loss results.


We complicate weight loss far more than is necessary.  You don’t need expensive supplements to speed up your metabolism or spend thousands of dollars on a personal trainer.  You don’t even need to implement a strict diet.  Keep it simple.  You can implement an easy smoothie regimen, which I highly recommend, to break your fast.

Before you begin your fast again, eat a nutrient dense meal that will keep hunger away for as long as possible.  If you want to incorporate some physical activity, you don’t have to push yourself to exhaustion.

Just bump your heart rate up by participating in an activity such as yoga.  If you implement the strategies I suggest, there is no doubt you will be successful.  I offer a successful 4-week plan in my ebook, which can be obtained for free by signing up for my newsletter.

You will benefit so much each week from the information I send you.  Stay motivated and make 2024 the year you succeed.  I want to hear about your success story because it means a lot to me.  You can send your progression photos and send your story to

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